The video of the McKinney Texas police officer assaulting and verbally abusing Black children at a pool party is perhaps the perfect frame to discuss how African-American and Latino youth…
Baltimore residents born when Ronald Reagan was elected are now 35, old enough to have children of their own, and many do.
The image has been circulated worldwide, in newspapers, on television and over social media; the Black Baltimore mother who beats her son down for being out with protesters…
A small section of Baltimore, no more than 4-6 blocks on the city’s west side, experienced looting and property destruction after the funeral of Freddie Gray, the young man whose spine was mysteriously crushed after being taken into police custody.
By Thugocracy I mean a system of domination constructed upon the control of political and economic institutions, achieved by the manipulation of intergroup relations through theories of dominant group superiority…
They were cheated by the collusion of test providers and politicians who under the guise of raising academic achievement have set up a system to defame teachers and erode public…
It is now an offense against society to be young, gifted and Black as illustrated by the treatment of Mo’ne Davis, Dez Wells and Martese Johnson.
“Selma can’t be a celebration. It must be an awakening. If we are not full citizens, we are not free. If we cannot access the same opportunities as whites in America, we are only conditionally free.”
“President Obama should not contribute to the false narrative in this nation that Black men are dangerous and that police who encounter us are always justified in the use of deadly force.”
The poignant and soul-searching scene in the movie ‘Selma’ when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. calls gospel legend Mahalia Jackson in the dead of night…
Black sororities must remember their real brand is Black womanhood; intelligent, strong and culturally conscious, and not Greek letters
With each successive march on the nation’s capital we seem to move further away from the substance and critical organizing that marked the 1963 march.