In oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the Voting Rights Act, Justice Antonin Scalia slandered the act as a “racial entitlement,
Journalist, Civil Rights Activist, Minister
In oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the Voting Rights Act, Justice Antonin Scalia slandered the act as a “racial entitlement,
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court will hear a challenge to the Voting Rights Act in the case of Shelby v. Holder. On the same day, across th…
Chicago suffers unbearable levels of gun violence, yet the victims remain largely silent. They travel from funeral home to graveyard rathe…
On Saturday, family and friends gathered to mourn the loss of Hadiya Pendleton, shot to death last month at age 15 in a South Side park. M…
Chicago is in a state of emergency. Lives are being lost. Fear is growing. Local officials, ministers and community activists are working …
‘We the people declare today that the most evident of truths — that all of us are created equal — is the star that guides us still; …
When President Barack Obama is sworn in for his second term, his hand will rest not only on President Abraham Lincoln’s Bible, but on Dr…
The president is committed to reforming our gun laws; a working group headed by Vice President Joe Biden is considering a broad agenda. Th…
The new year begins with a bad hangover from 2012’s inane debate over the “fiscal cliff.” The furious debate focused only on how muc…
Christmas decorations light the streets. Malls are full. Christmas music fills the air. But this year, there is a somber undercurrent to t…
Do not turn your eyes from the horror of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Conn. Twenty children, their teachers and a…
Tuesday, thousands will demonstrate at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing to protest a frontal assault on working people. Republican ma…