Haiti Pilgrimage Delegation January 17 – 21, 2012 Communiqué Two years after the earthquake which devastated the world’s first Black Republic, the Haiti Support Project (HSP) led a diverse delegation…
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As an initiative of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century, the primary mission of the Haiti Support Project is to marshal moral, political and material support to assist the Haitian people to develop a strong and vital democratic society and a vibrant and sustainable economy as a free and self-determining people. Given this nation´s unique history as the first Black Republic in the western hemisphere, the Haiti Support Project seeks to build a constituency and effective base of support for Haiti in the U.S., primarily focusing on mobilizing the human and material resources of African Americans in collaboration with Haitian Americans. We believe that African Americans and Haitian Americans working together can make a significant contribution to the process of democracy and development in Haiti.
Founded in 1995 by Dr. Ron Daniels, the Haiti Support Project (HSP) has organized numerous fact finding and support delegations to Haiti to familiarize African American organizations and agencies with Haiti´s history and culture and to identify critical material, humanitarian and social/economic assistance needs. HSP encourages African American organizations to provide human and material resources and technical assistance to match the needs identified by Haitian organizations, agencies and movements. HSP prioritizes providing assistance to organizations that have a civic participation/engagement/empowerment component to their program. Over the years, HSP and its affiliates have mobilized more than $5 million in material support assistance for Haiti in the form of school supplies, medical supplies and equipment, ambulances, farm tools/implements, computers, fax machines, office equipment, audio-visual equipment, AM-FM radios, grants and loans to micro-enterprises and educational stipends.
Deeply concerned about the political crisis and impasse in Haiti, in the Spring of 2001 HSP and Congressman John Conyers, Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus, convened a National Emergency Conference on Haiti hosted by the Haitian Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts/Boston. In 2004, HSP sponsored Cruising Into History, a Caribbean Pilgrimage to Haiti mobilizing nearly 500 hundred African Americans, Haitian Americans and friends of Haiti to share in the commemoration of the Bicentennial of the first Black Republic in this hemisphere. As the culmination of more than two and a half years of an extensive national educational and outreach campaign, the Pilgrimage set the stage for the expansion of HSP´s effort to build a strong constituency for Haiti in the U.S.
In 2005 HSP sponsored two major symposia on the Future of Democracy and Development in Haiti (Washington D.C. and Atlanta) which brought together political parties, constituencies and leaders across the political spectrum to promote a national and international dialogue to explore the prospects of justice and reconciliation and the possibilities of a government of national unity. The symposia process is envisioned as a vehicle to bridge the deep divisions in Haitian society exacerbated by the U.S. backed ouster of President Jean Bertrand Aristide in 2004. HSP remains committed to continuing this process as a means of building and strengthening a culture of democracy in Haiti.
In May, 2006, on the occasion of the Inauguration of President Rene Preval and the restoration of constitutional rule, HSP announced a Pilgrimage to Haiti to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Citadel and the launch of a Model City Project to transform the town of Milot in the northern region of Haiti into a Mecca for cultural-historical tourism. The Model City Project is an integral part of HSP´s constituency-building strategy of engaging the African American community in collaboration with Haitian Americans to mobilize massive humanitarian relief and developmental assistance to contribute to building sustainable, community based, people oriented, democratic social and economic institutions in Haiti.
Haiti Pilgrimage Delegation January 17 – 21, 2012 Communiqué Two years after the earthquake which devastated the world’s first Black Republic, the Haiti Support Project (HSP) led a diverse delegation…
January 17-21, 2012 (two years after the devastating earthquake) the Haiti Support Project (HSP) will lead a delegation of thirty-seven (38) African Americans and Haitian Americans to Haiti to assess the progress of the recovery/reconstruction and explore ways to engage people of African descent from the U.S. in the process of building the new Haiti.
By Dr. Ron Daniels — Since the inception of the Haiti Support Project in 1995, the concept of “socially responsible” economic business investment and development has been a central part…
October 7-11, the Haiti Support Project (HSP) led its third Delegation to Haiti since the fateful earthquake of January 12th. The atmosphere was in marked contrast to HSP´s Third Annual Pilgrimage in October of 2009 when there were signs of a much brighter future for Haiti and its people. A year ago there were clear indicators that after a period of political stability, relative security and greater transparency and accountability by the government, conditions were ripe for modest economic growth and new levels of international investment. There was optimism in the air.
Pilgrimage and Assessment Delegation October 7-11, 2010 Prepared by Dr. Ron Daniels October 7-11, the Haiti Support Project (HSP) led its third Delegation to Haiti since the fateful earthquake…
Statement of Dr. Ron Daniels, Founder of the Haiti Support Project On the Occasion of the Welcoming Reception of the Diaspora Reconnection Forum July 12, 2006, Port Au Prince, Haiti …
The Haiti Support Project Pilgrimage and Assessment Delegation October 7-11, 2010 Statement by Dr. Ron Daniels, President, Institute of the Black World 21st Century, Founder, Haiti Support Project October 7-11,…
Juneteenth, 2009 Tour of the Citadel to Highlight Visit Haiti Support Project Announces Third Pilgrimage to Haiti New York — Dr. Ron Daniels, President of the Institute of the Black…
Congressman Meeks to Join Pilgrimage to Citadel in Haiti Group Pushes Cultural Historical Tourism to Promote Development – Press Advisory – October 7, New York – The Haiti Support Project…