I was apprehensive when I learned that President Obama would give the commencement speech at Howard University this year. I feared a repeat of his Morehouse speech, his yammering and scolding…
I was apprehensive when I learned that President Obama would give the commencement speech at Howard University this year. I feared a repeat of his Morehouse speech, his yammering and scolding…
Malia Obama deserves congratulations. Admitted to Harvard University, she has decided to take a gap year, a mature choice that many students make when they want a break between intense…
When Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced that Harriet Tubman would grace the new $20 bill, my heart sang hallelujah. Additional changes to the currency were also announced. The back of the $10…
Some words seem rarely mentioned in this highly toxic political season. We’ve heard about bombs and walls, but very little about peace. One is almost tempted, when some of the…
Senator Bernie Sanders doesn’t get race! He gets economics, he gets Wall Street, he gets trade, and he gets distribution. He just doesn’t get race. Perhaps one of his lowest moments in this…
I am looking forward to November 8, 2016, and to voting for Hilary Rodham Clinton to lead these United States. I am so extremely excited that a woman of character,…
Three unarmed black men encountered a group of white men walking down a dirt road in Slocum, Texas on July 29, 1910. Without warning, and with no reason, the white…
Days before the opening of the World Economic Forum, Oxfam, the international organization that works on world poverty issues, released a report that addressed inequality. They found the international wealth…
President Obama did his thing when he delivered the State of the Union Address (SOU) on Tuesday night. There was confidence in his speech, some off-the-cuff humor and a little…
I like Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Her progressive ideas are just what we need while Hilary Clinton is straddling the fence, and still cozying up with bankers.
President Barack Obama stepped on a big limb when he threatened “limited action” against Syria because the country allegedly used chemical weapons against their own people. There are international bans…
The 1963 March on Washington was a pivotal moment for African American people, a day when people joined to fight for jobs, peace and justice. More than 250,000 people traveled to Washington, coming by busses, trains, and occasionally planes.