As March, Black History Month II—Women Focus, comes to an end, and with it, all the special speeches, learned lectures, plays, poems and various other programs and performances to celebrate and honor Black women…
As March, Black History Month II—Women Focus, comes to an end, and with it, all the special speeches, learned lectures, plays, poems and various other programs and performances to celebrate and honor Black women…
Whatever we think, say or assume about the racist rant and chant of the young White men of the SAE fraternity and their female companions at the University of Oklahoma…
There is no justice-yielding present or dignity-affirming future for a people that concedes its rightful place as primary subject in its own history and willingly…
It was clearly a White thing, not a Black thang, or a multicultural mixer of equals, and all of us could easily understand it. It was White folks’ big night out, the night of “Mr. Charlie”…
LAST Saturday we came together from many backgrounds and beliefs to hold a march and rally with the essential, overarching and interrelated purpose of building unity…
THIS is the month that marks the 50th anniversary of the martyrdom of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, Min. Malcolm X, who was assassinated and martyred in the 39th year of his life, February 21, 1965…
The histories and holidays of the oppressed, colonized and enslaved are, of necessity, different from the history and holidays of the oppressor, the colonizer and the enslaver.
There is no written or reliable record on the day of her birth, but we do know the date of her transition, November 26, 1883…
In the Sixties and even for a short time afterward, Blackness was conceived and engaged as a very serious and sacred thing.
Throughout the global African community, we gather together this month to celebrate the centennial of the founding of the Universal Negro Improvement Association…
There were numerous rumors and partially reliable reports that the country was shocked and surprised to hear of and see its police in brutal action…
In her eulogy to the beloved and distinguished actor, playwright and activist Ossie Davis…