By the United African Congress — We are deeply disturbed by the escalation of violence following the declaration of war on the regional state of Tigray by PM Abiy Ahmed…
By the United African Congress — We are deeply disturbed by the escalation of violence following the declaration of war on the regional state of Tigray by PM Abiy Ahmed…
There is no way to describe the February 22nd Malcolm X Commemorative Session of the Pan African Unity Dialogue but AWESOME! We had a full house with more than 75 PAUD Participants and Special Guests in attendance. Given the current state of affairs with IBW, including intensive plans for the March 7th Rally, the Summation will synopsize some of the major highlights of this extraordinary Session: After Invocation by Mary France Daniels and Welcome by Estela Vazquez…
U.S. Civil Rights and Human Rights Groups Say Water is a Human Right — Express Solidarity with Struggle for Water Rights in Nigeria. February, 10, 2020, New York — The Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) released a Statement today calling for a national and international movement to declare access to water a human right that should not be subject to profiteering by corporate interests. The Statement was released against the…
The Pan African Unity Dialogue Congratulates AU For Brokering Historic Sudan Power-Sharing Agreement July 26, 2019, New York — The Pan African Unity Dialogue (PAUD) congratulates the parties in…
2/12/18 — #ProudAfricans Special Fund Drive Edition of Vantage Point. Guests: Dr. Leonard Jeffries, President, World Diaspora Union (WADU), New York City; Randy Weston, Internationally Acclaimed Jazz Musician, New York City; Souad Kirama, Co-Chairperson, #PROUD AFRICANS RALLY, New York City; Milton Allimadi, Editor/Publisher, Black Star News, New York City
Topics: A Measure of Justice in the Mohammed Bah Case, The Enslavement of Black Africans in Libya, The Stop Museveni Campaign and Crises Points in Africa, Crucial Election in Alabama: Will Black Votes Turn the Tide. Guests: Imam Talib Addur-Rashid (Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, Harlem, NY), Milton Allimadi (Editor/Publisher, Black Star News, New York, NY), Kambale Musavuli (National Spokesperson, Friends of the Congo, New York, NY) and State Senator Hank Sanders (Selma, Alabama).
Topics: The Quest for Black Economic Empowerment, The Stop Museveni Campaign. Guests: Nataki Kambon, Spokesperson, Let’s Buy Black 365, Washington, D.C., John William Templeton, Co-Founder, Black Business Month, San Francisco, CA, Milton Allimadi, Editor/Publisher, Black Star News, New York, NY