Topics: Treatment of Black Africans in Libya Revisited, The Rally in Support of Family of Muhammad Bah, The Future of Progressives and the Democrats After Trump and Charlottesville. Guests: Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid, Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, New York, NY, Bill Fletcher, Labor and Social Justice Activist, Washington, D.C., Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Editor/Publisher, the Hutchinson Report, Los Angeles.CA.

On Wednesday August 23rd, people gathered at the offices of the National Football League [NFL| in Manhattan NYC. By some accounts 3-4 thousand people attended. The rally was in support of quarterback, Colin Kaepernick who refused to stand for the Star Spangled Banner prior to the beginning of the football game but instead choose to kneel rather than pay homage to the flag that represents the racism which is so prevalent against the Black population in the United States, especially in the murder of Black people by police, a crime that goes unpunished. As a result of his doing…

By: Andrew King — After listening to President Donald Trump’s June speech on Cuba, in which he reversed all the steps that the Obama administration had made to improve relations, one might…

Now that the violence in Charlottesville has forced “white supremacy” into our political vocabulary, let’s ask an uncomfortable question: “When will the United States transcend white supremacy?”
My question isn’t, “What should we do about the overt white supremacists who, emboldened by Trumpism’s success, have pushed their way back into mainstream politics?” I want to go beyond easy targets to ask, “When will U.S. society…

Professors across the country are hoping to use the events of Charlottesville as an opening for classroom discussions on race. Students aren’t always comfortable talking about race, especially at the beginning of the semester in a classroom led by a professor they don’t know yet. But this semester, Wendy Christensen, an associate professor of sociology at William Paterson University, in New Jersey, is starting off her course by tackling racism head-on. “Social Stratifications,” will begin on September 6 with a discussion about the violent weekend in Charlottesville, Va., she said.

By Valerie Dixon, Jamaica Observer — The following is a tribute to Marcus Garvey on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of his birth. It is also in support of…

Topics: NYPD and FBI Surveillance of Muslim Mosques, Standing with Colin Kaepernick, Trump and Aftermath of Charlottesville, The Life and Legacy of Dick Gregory. Guests: Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid, Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, New York, NY and Mark Thompson, Host, Make It Plain, SIRIUSXM, New York, NY

By Shanelle Matthews Last year’s presidential campaign trail banter was not unlike that of election year’s past, in that it was full of nasty, backhanded, gender-based undercuts aimed at delegitimizing…

Cannabis is not a public safety threat. By Ryan Jennemann, Newsweek Much to the dismay of US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Senate Appropriations Committee recently approved a budget amendment in an appropriations…

By Londa Schiebinger, Stanford University (THE CONVERSATION) In the natural course of events, humans fall sick and die. Patients hope for miraculous remedies to restore their health. We all want…
Topics: About The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey. The Red, Black and Green: Universal African Flag Day. Guests: Michael Duncan, President General, Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), New York, NY and Dr. Claire…

One dead after car plows into anti-racist demo in Charlottesville By Bill Fletcher I sat here listening to Trump’s remarks in connection with the violence carried out by neofascists in…