By: Lauren Victoria Burke So which one will it be, folks? If you’re voting on the Democratic side, are you going for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton? Who really has…

by Jihan Hafiz SALVADOR DA BAHIA, Brazil – As Salvador was kicking off Carnival, Brazil’s biggest party, earlier this month, a somber event was taking place in a poor neighborhood far from…

Fifty years after the founding of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, the agenda and style of the legendary Black revolutionary organization remains relevant in today’s public discourse….
By Rebekah Kebede Andrew Holness (R), leader of the opposition Jamaican Labour Party, speaks to supporters at the party headquarters after they won the general election in Kingston, Jamaica February…

By Christina Pazzanese/Harvard Staff Writer Credit: Jon Chase/Harvard Staff Photographer “This is not about retribution and anger, it’s about atonement; it’s about the building of bridges across lines of moral justice,” said…

By David Jessop Globalisation touches us all. Its reach extends far beyond economic issues. It has in just a few decades made industries, markets, cultures, policy-making and criminality interconnected in…

By Terrance Heath In the 2016 presidential primary, Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders can’t afford to take African-American votes for granted. With the Iowa caucus and the New…

Supporters hold Hillary Clinton Campaign signs in January in Columbia, South Carolina. (photo: Sean Rayford/Gett By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Fusion The African-American vote is always critical for Democrats. In 2008 and…
By Simon T. Meiners Each February millions of Americans pretend that white supremacy is dead. Black History Month? Reverse racism. Slavery? It’s over. Reparations? Fat chance. But here’s what few seem to understand: History…
By: Kirsten West Savali Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson Ben Carson wants us to know that he’s a black man, unlike President Barack Obama. He needs voters, white voters in particular,…

Above Photo: Flickr/ Jamelle Bouie Illustration by Kendrick Daye ..At its best the river of our struggle has moved consistently toward the ocean of humankind’s most courageous hopes for freedom and…

By Heather Digby Parton / Salon Donald Trump greets eager supporter Robin Roy at a campaign rally in Lowell, Massachusetts. Photograph: Brian Snyder Photo Credit: Reuters The big showdown in South Carolina…