Now that President Barack Obama is normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba, the U.S. government will try to teach Cuba about market economics and political pluralism.
IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.
Now that President Barack Obama is normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba, the U.S. government will try to teach Cuba about market economics and political pluralism.
By Peniel E. Joseph — People protest in Times Square Nov. 25, 2014, in New York City over the grand jury decision not to indict then-Officer Darren Wilson in the…
The Caribbean is a region of small islands surrounded by water. In an increasingly competitive global economic and political climate, these island can no longer remain islands.
The French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo skewers people of all faiths and backgrounds. One cartoon showed rolls of toilet paper marked “Bible,” “Torah” and “Quran,” and the explanation: “In the toilet, all religions.”
LONDON, United Kingdom, Thursday January 8, 2015, CMC – The London-based human rights watchdog, Amnesty International, says five years on from a devastating earthquake in Haiti, tens of thousands of people remain homeless and desperate.
As a member of the Inter-American Development Bank’s Civil Society Consultative Committee I was invited to present at the ‘XIV Reunion BID – Sociedad Civil’ in Nicaragua late 2014.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The last film Ava DuVernay directed cost $200,000, while her new movie “Selma” was 100 times that.
“Our community must reinforce its moral responsibility to rid itself of the effects of years of exploitation, neglect, and apathy, and wage an unrelenting struggle against police brutality.”
Robert McChesney, a leader in challenging the corporate media’s role in degrading democracy, carries on this fight withBlowing the Roof Off the Twenty-First Century.
In 2012, I watched as cable news stations posthumously put Trayvon Martin on trial for his own murder, and broadcasted his killer’s acquittal, George Zimmerman.
The deaths of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, gunned down by a mentally unstable man who later committed suicide, have been accompanied by public rituals of mourning.
On Sunday, a relatively large group of New York police officers, sworn to protect and serve the public, turned their back on the public’s elected executive, Mayor Bill de Blasio…