Boxes of aid for Ebola patients donated by Ghana’s president and chairman of the Economic Community of West African States at the airport in Conakry, Guinea, Sept. 15, 2014.
My first job in media was as a television producer. I was 28 years old, eager and brimming with ideas, some of which I’m sure were good and others of which I’m sure were not. Not long after starting the job, I asked to produce a segment with a well-known black actor whose work I had long followed. As the only black producer there, I knew from experience that when walking into an entirely white environment, it always felt good to be greeted by another brown face.

Many whites believe discrimination against whites is more prevalent than discrimination against blacks. Above, commuters in Lower Manhattan in 2012.
The Levittown home of Peg Brennan, at 25 Winding Lane, shot in 1958. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

The Caribbean Islands received an estimated 25 million visitors and tourists last year who spent over $27 billion but despite the influx of money…

Health workers remove the body of Prince Nyentee, a 29-year-old man who local residents said died of Ebola virus.

For 23 years, Andrew Bacevich served in the United States Army, beginning during the Vietnam War and and ending in the early 1990s…
Sierra Leone has waved the white flag in the face of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has renewed debate about the effectiveness of health systems and how best to support collective regional action.

Josephus Weeks (left), a nephew of Thomas Eric Duncan, and Weeks’ son, Josephus Weeks Jr., attend a prayer service Oct. 7, 2014, with nurses, doctors and staff in front of Dallas’ Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, where Duncan eventually died from Ebola.

Charlene Carruthers is national coordinator of BYP 100, which teaches black youth how to organize around issues in their community.