If the U.S. does nothing, the Arab world will continue its slide into sectarian bigotry, political repression, and madness. This will come back to haunt the United States.
IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.
If the U.S. does nothing, the Arab world will continue its slide into sectarian bigotry, political repression, and madness. This will come back to haunt the United States.
“Michael Brown doesn’t want to be remembered for a riot,” the Rev. Al Sharpton said at the shooting victim’s funeral.
ROME, Italy – Pope Francis spoke on Saturday at a cemetery only a few miles from where his Italian grandfather fought…
Sometimes conservative politicians, particularly those who hail from the South, accidentally forget to dog-whistle and they say what’s really on their minds.
A newly released recording raises questions about what the iconic saxophonist might have achieved if he hadn’t died at age 40.
SARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah (AP) — A woman has criticized police in the Utah County city of Saratoga Springs over the fatal shooting of her 22-year-old son…
In the hours after the attacks of September 11, 2oo1, they were angry at the terrorists who flew planes into the Pentagon and World Trade Center.
In a recent AlterNet piece, I pointed to studies showing that Islamic terrorism is rooted more in politics and economics than in fanatical religious belief.
Tavis Smiley’s relentless criticism aimed at President Barack Obama has made dozens of headlines throughout the commander-in-chief’s presidency. And though, some may have questioned the political commentator’s motive behind his personal analysis, he recently insisted during an interview on HuffPost Live that his commentary is rooted in holding Obama accountable as the nation’s president.
One month ago, the nation’s consciousness around race relations was awoken abruptly following the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. For many people, this awakening was a sharp reminder that the victories of the Civil Rights era aren’t so far back in the shadows…
What happened in Ferguson, Mo., last month was a tragedy. What’s on course to happen there next month will be a farce.
We look at the growing movement for drug decriminalization that is moving ahead in the United States and being amplified by former heads of state from around the around.