The passing of Dr. Frances Cress Welsing (1935-2016) calls on us to pause and pay rightful homage to her—this accomplished and committed psychiatrist, activist-intellectual, author, way-opener and…
A man who did not wish to be identified, who lost his job two months ago after being hurt on the job, works to collect money for his family on…
By: Charles D. Ellison President Barack Obama waves before giving last year’s State of the Union in the House chamber of the U.S. Capitol Jan. 20, 2015, in Washington, D.C. …
By Ari Berman James Harris walks into his polling place to vote in Ferguson, Missouri, in April 2015. (AP Photo / Jeff Roberson) At the time of Mike Brown’s shooting in Ferguson, Missouri,…
Recently much attention has been made of President Obama’s “bucket list,” those things he would like to accomplish before the end of his term. Among the items on his list is a visit to Cuba. This would be a dramatic event, climaxing one of the signature achievements of his presidency – breaking the decades- long diplomatic and economic isolation of Cuba to usher in a new era of normalized relations. The site of an American President, the first African American President, being welcomed in Cuba, an Afro-Hispanic nation, would be stunning and historic!
By Stephen Marche You feel your whiteness properly at the American border. Most of the time being white is an absence of problems. The police don’t bother you so you…
Logged In: How the New Economy Makes It Harder Than Ever to Untangle Capitalism From Our Daily Lives
It’s a familiar pattern. First there’s an economic crisis. Then comes an enormous restructuring of capital — and with it a restructuring of labor — throwing past certainties into doubt….
By: Panama Jackson 490040062-president-barack-obama-and-chinese-president-xi-jinping President Barack Obama toasts during a state dinner in the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., Sept. 25, 2015. While perusing Facebook a…
In response, the NAACP said they are planning to file a motion with the judge. An Ohio prosecutor has rebuffed a request by the Cleveland branch of the NAACP…
To deal with our impoverished neighborhoods, it isn’t enough to get rid of the guns. The public squalor of our inner cities has to be addressed: schools modernized, affordable housing built, mass transit supplied, available jobs created. Gun control doesn’t cost much. Dealing with entrenched poverty costs real money, but less than we spend on the police, jails, drugs, alcoholism, and chronic illness — the dysfunction that comes from poverty.
By Phillip Smith / Alternet An as yet unnamed man killed by police in Rawlins, Wyoming, on December 30, after they were called to a convenience store about a person believed to be selling…
By Syed Mohammad Ali The writer holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne and is the author of Development, Poverty and Power in Pakistan, available from Routledge Conspiracy theorists…