We started from the most bottom of bottoms (not having personhood) and worked our way up to the age of Obama
We started from the most bottom of bottoms (not having personhood) and worked our way up to the age of Obama
Following are comments from members of the Black Women’s Roundtable who played a significant role in voter education…
Wade Henderson, CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights.
The politics of anti-government rage, fueled by dark money negative ads emerged victorious on Tuesday, as the Republican Party won a U.S. Senate majority…
What a fascinating thing! Total control of a living organism! — psychologist B.F. Skinner
A recent posting [3] detailed how upper middle class Americans are rapidly losing…
Early last week, Barack Obama cast a ballot in his local Chicago precinct – one of the few places in America where he still remains a popular figure.
In 1964, there were five black members of the House of Representatives — barely over 1 percent — compared to the 11 percent of the population who were black.
Political observers called it months ago but Tuesday’s midterm elections made it official: The Republicans have captured control of the United States Senate.
The Republican Party’s takeover of the U.S. Senate in Tuesday’s midterm election is the tip of rather sizeable iceberg that saw the GOP win governorships in the blue states of Illinois, Maryland and Massachusetts.
Floridians cast their votes at a polling station set up in the Miami-Dade Government Center on Oct. 18, 2010, in Miami.
The months leading up to the 2014 midterm election could not be more different than the same period four years ago.