First, congratulations are in order to the people of Antigua and Barbuda and their relevant State institutions for yet again being fully engaged…
WASHINGTON, Jun 26 2014 (IPS) – The staff at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued an unusually stark warning over the lack of harmonised global tax policies…
African countries are coming under strong pressure from the United States and the European Union to reverse the decision adopted by their trade ministers to implement the World Trade Organization’s trade facilitation agreement on a “provisional” basis.

As the votes were tallied for the 2008 presidential election, conservative pundit William Bennett weighed in on the election’s significance.

Each year during the Fourth of July holiday season, I inevitably turn my attention to Frederick Douglass’ extraordinary July 5, 1852 oration in Rochester, New York, in which he denounced the hypocrisy of a nation that celebrated its “independence” while millions of sons and daughters of Africa were held in bondage as slaves. He declared: “What to the American slave is your Fourth of July?

Fifty years ago today, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law.

Graduate school prepares students for a range of intellectual and professional endeavors. Unfortunately, responding to scholarly insults and academic shade-throwing isn’t one of them.

The question of how foreign policy is determined is a crucial one in world affairs.

While many in the civil rights movement community this summer are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer…

The election-night victory party for Ras Baraka, the new mayor of Newark, New Jersey, took place on May 13, at a hotel in the city’s gradually reviving downtown.
Since Ruby Dee’s passing away at age 91 on June 11, the media coverage of her life has depicted her as an important actress who broke through racial barriers and a leader in the Civil Rights movement.
Last week, Ann Coulter penned a column explaining why soccer is un-American. First, it’s collectivist.