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Cesar Chavez Comes to Life In Film About California’s Heroic Labor Leader

By News & Current Affairs

It’s unfortunate that the name of a civil rights leader is seen posthumously on street signs throughout America, but is rarely found in the curriculum of grade school social studies. In 2011, when President Barrack Obama proclaimed March 31 a national holiday for Cesar Chavez, the call was issued with vague urges of “appropriate service” and “community” that hardly seemed to quantify Chavez’s complex politics.

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In Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King: Can We Make It to the “Promised Land?”

By Vantage Point Articles

April 4th will be forty-six years since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down on a balcony in Memphis. Black America and people of goodwill in the nation and the world were stricken by grief, frustration and anger at the murder of this great man of justice and peace. Indeed, rebellions erupted in urban centers across the nation by people who could not fathom how an apostle of non-violence could be struck down so viciously and violently. It was clear that America was at yet another cross-road in the quest to achieve racial, economic and social justice.

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CARICOM Reparations Ten-Point Plan

By Commentaries/Opinions, Reparations

In 2013 Caribbean Heads of Governments established the Caricom Reparations Commission [CRC] with a mandate to prepare the case for reparatory justice for the region’s indigenous and African descendant communities who are the victims of Crimes against Humanity [CAH] in the forms of genocide, slavery, slave trading, and racial apartheid.

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