By Gary Younge
For a nation in mourning, South Africa was in festive spirits in the week following Nelson Mandela’s death. From the moment that first train left at 5 am for the official memorial service, which was addressed by Barack Obama among others, until the first speech, the chanting never stopped.
By Sharda Sekaran
The drug war is full of racism [3]and hypocrisy. It’s hard to argue against that reality. People intoxicate themselves, both illegally and legally, at much the same rates across racial lines.
by Russell Crandall
In 1993 Colombian cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar was killed by police while attempting to escape from a house in Medellín.

by Ezili Dantò
Nelson Mandela is dead at 95 years old. The African National Congress liberation movement he led helped make white minority rule and apartheid in Africa a monstrous reality no decent human would wish to be associated with.

The year 2013, will be remembered in the Caribbean for the ground breaking judgement by the Trinidad-based Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) as it relates to the free movement of Caribbean nationals across the region.
Dec. 31 (GIN) – Taking a breather from the coverage of wars, political shenanigans, and climate change, journalists from around the continent gave thought to some of the top stories of the year – some familiar to Americans, many not.
By Joan Walsh
Maybe it was the very fact of enjoying a wonderful Christmas with my family and friends, against the manufactured backlash to a nonexistent “War on Christmas,” that let me appreciate the perilous mental state of a small but noisy and paranoid swath of white America.

If you’ve ever been arrested on a drug charge, if you’ve ever spent even a day in jail for having a stem of marijuana in your pocket or “drug paraphernalia” in your gym bag…

By Chris Hedges
Money, as Karl Marx lamented, plays the largest part in determining the course of history.

by Mattathias Schwartz
One night in May of 2012, a Honduran police inspector received a phone call from an agent of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, a man he knew as Tony.
By April M. Short, AlterNet | News Analysis
Most people in jail in the U.S. have not been convicted of any crime. That is unless poverty can be considered an automatic-lockup offense.
The outpouring of emotion and dignified appreciation that has met the passing of Nelson Mandela on December 5, 2013, flowed like a raging river from every nation and people on the planet.