By Ajamu Baraka — “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” – Audre Lorde December 10 is recognized as International Human Rights Day and celebrated around the world….
The Other Mandela, Mandela and the Politics of Immortality, Obama Failed To Deliver Long-Overdue Apology To Mandela, How the ANC Sold Out South Africa’s Poor
Nelson Mandela is dead, and the media pullulates with blazing adulation. Much of it is justified: we must, after all, extol Madiba’s courageous opposition to a barbarous system, and to the barbarous philosophy that maintained it in existence.
Dignitaries and presidents, media stars, and celebrities from around the world converged on South Africa to pay their respects to Nelson Mandela, the warrior for racial justice.
After being released from prison in 1990, one of the first things Nelson Mandela did was visit Cuba to express his admiration and respect for Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Nelson Mandela emerged from 27 years in apartheid jails in 1990 pledging to seize South Africa’s mines and banks. Four years later, his government slashed spending and courted foreign investors, paving the way for the longest period of growth in the country’s history.
Dec. 10 (GIN) – Record numbers of Facebook and Twitter users posted their thoughts and prayers for former South African leader Nelson Mandela and the nation with numbers running in the hundreds of thousands.
By David Smith
In a peculiarly rambling, rain-soaked event that got bogged down in domestic politics, it felt like Nelson Mandela’s soul was absent
BRUSSELS, Belgium, Tuesday December 10, 2013, CMC – The African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of countries Tuesday began a two-day meeting here overshadowed by the death of the former South African president Nelson Mandela and economic woes facing the 79-member grouping.
Nelson Mandela’s death has produced both an outpouring of international solidarity, remembrance, and celebration commemorating Madiba’s leadership in defeating apartheid in South Africa.
By Will Bunch
I was offline, at least metaphorically, when news broke that Nelson Mandela had passed away. Thus, I had the luxury of reflecting for a couple of days… and watching a flurry of other stories whiz past in a blur.
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — U.S. President Barack Obama implored thousands gathered in a cold, rainy stadium and millions watching around the world on Tuesday to carry forward Nelson Mandela’s mission of erasing injustice and inequality.