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How Police and Politicians Profit by Destroying the Lives of Young Black People for Tiny Amounts of Pot

By Commentaries/Opinions, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

By Harry Levine

“Whites Smoke Pot, but Blacks Are Arrested.” That was the headline of a column by Jim Dwyer, the great Metro desk reporter for The New York Times, in December 2009. Although Dwyer was writing about New York City, he summed up perfectly two central and enduring facts about marijuana use and arrests across the country: whites and blacks use marijuana equally, but the police do not arrest them equally.

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Civil and Human Rights Coalition Applauds Second Chance Act Introduction, Releases Report on Vital Prisoner Re-Entry Reforms

By News & Current Affairs, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

WASHINGTON—Wade Henderson, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, issued the following statement on today’s bipartisan introduction of the Second Chance Reauthorization Act and the release of a new report from The Leadership Conference outlining a comprehensive policy agenda to ease the re-entry process entitled “A Second Chance: Charting a New Course for Re-Entry and Criminal Justice Reform:

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