The 45th anniversary of the martyrdom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. calls for us not only to pause to pay rightful hommage to him and the great gift of life he gave us …
Commentary, articles and essays written by Dr. Maulana Karenga
The 45th anniversary of the martyrdom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. calls for us not only to pause to pay rightful hommage to him and the great gift of life he gave us …
This year as we again observe the days set aside to mark and remind us of both the tragic passing and praiseworthy endurance of victims of HIV/AIDS among us, we, of necessity, continue to search for solutions.
This 2013 March 10 marks the 100th anniversary of the passing and ascendance of Harriet Tubman, legendary freedom fighter and emancipator, all-seasons soldier, lifter-up of the light that lasts, and audacious opener of the ways forward in life and struggle for the liberation for our people.
Part II. It comes as no surprise that even though most people do not condone or defend all that Dorner did, they still feel he had strong grounds for his grievances.
Part I. Seldom can a society seriously question itself; even less often can it honestly criticize itself and almost never can it openly and self-consciously condemn itself…
This month and the next, we walk again with Carter G. Woodson, honored and upraised ancestor, who set aside a special space and time for us to pause and think deep about the profound meanings and endless lessons of this sacred narrative we know and celebrate as Black History.
This time of marking National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, February 7, finds us as a people again as ever, on the battlefield for a better way forward …
George Washington Carver (January 10(?), 1864-1943) was a remarkable and multidimensional man, one of the great scientific minds of the 20th century, whose impressive intellectual range is reflected and reaffirmed…
This is the month when our minds and hearts turn toward Haiti in focused homage to the Haitian people, who through their liberation struggle carved out of the rugged rock and horror of the Holocaust of enslavement a special space for African and human freedom in the world.
The questioning of Kwanzaa comes with each season of its celebration as a kind of background noise and verbal nonsense, noted for its racialized rancor and irrationality rather than its relevance and for its strange preoccupation with Kwanzaa’s value and durability while annually announcing its imminent death.
Now, at the beginning of this the year of our people 6252, let us again, in the tradition of our ancestors, wish for African people everywhere, as well as all the peoples of the world: blessings without number and all good things without end.
The savage and senseless massacre of 26 people, 20 children and 6 adults, at an elementary school in Connecticut has once again forced the country to face a random rage and murderous rampage…