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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Ron Daniels

Why the President Should Visit Haiti

By Vantage Point Articles

Recently much attention has been made of President Obama’s “bucket list,” those things he would like to accomplish before the end of his term. Among the items on his list is a visit to Cuba. This would be a dramatic event, climaxing one of the signature achievements of his presidency – breaking the decades- long diplomatic and economic isolation of Cuba to usher in a new era of normalized relations. The site of an American President, the first African American President, being welcomed in Cuba, an Afro-Hispanic nation, would be stunning and historic!

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Thanks, Obama

By Commentaries/Opinions

By: Panama Jackson 490040062-president-barack-obama-and-chinese-president-xi-jinping President Barack Obama toasts during a state dinner in the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., Sept. 25, 2015. While perusing Facebook a…

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