“Real progress for Blacks in this country has never come from quiet pleadings or the goodness of whites; it has been the result of confrontation, disruption, resistance and demand. Even…

BY JESSE JACKSON August 18, 2015 The news this weekend that Julian Bond passed away at 75 saddened me deeply. America has lost a true and still vital champion for…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson I can’t tell you how many times I sparred with former NAACP Chairman Julian Bond on TV shows and in print during the years he…
By Brentin Mock The phrase “black-on-black crime” gets tossed around so cavalierly these days that it can be hard to ascertain the intention behind it—no matter who says it. When President Obama uses…
By Barrett Holmes Pitner The movement has certainly gained attention. But its decentralized structure means it runs the risk of going the way of Occupy Wall Street. Ferguson is the…
By Jamil Smith @JamilSmith The activist group #BlackLivesMatter emerged out of the rage and mourning that accompanied George Zimmerman’s acquittal for the murder of Trayvon Martin more than three years…
By William C. Anderson, The Black vote seems to matter more to some than Black life itself. This election season has inspired presidential candidates to engage in an array of…
By Roseanne Scotti / Drug Policy Alliance Mustafa Willis had a job and no criminal record. After being arrested in Newark, he was forced to remain in jail for months because…

By Rev Jesse Jackson Today this systematic analysis is needed perhaps more than at any other time in our history. As the Rev Clyde Grubbs, of Tuckerman Creative Ministries for…

Part 1. Clearly, we, as a people, are in the midst of a deep social crisis, one not only in terms of the conditions of our community, but also in…
By Sonali Kolhatkar Activist Jasmine Richards talks about Black Lives Matter with Sonali Kolhatkar in Pasadena. (Photo: ‘Uprising’ Radio via YouTube) On July 24, The Movement for Black Lives National…
By Jamil Smith This year, as with every other year, nearly every presidential candidate is white, with the only exceptions being long shots in the mushrooming Republican field. Most candidates…