“Selma can’t be a celebration. It must be an awakening. If we are not full citizens, we are not free. If we cannot access the same opportunities as whites in America, we are only conditionally free.”

Last week the Justice Department released the results of a long and thorough investigation into the killing of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. The investigation concluded that there was not enough evidence to prove a violation of federal law by Officer Wilson.
This year has already seen some important and potentially historic developments in the campaign for reparations.

It’s never too hard to feel as if you’re having your political power snatched away from you.

The 50th anniversary of the assassination of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) came and went on Feb. 21 of this year.
“President Obama should not contribute to the false narrative in this nation that Black men are dangerous and that police who encounter us are always justified in the use of deadly force.”

It was clearly a White thing, not a Black thang, or a multicultural mixer of equals, and all of us could easily understand it. It was White folks’ big night out, the night of “Mr. Charlie”…

This is the seventh in a series of interviews with philosophers on race that I am conducting for The Stone. This week’s conversation is with Falguni A. Sheth, an associate professor of philosophy and political theory at Hampshire College. She is the author of “Toward a Political Philosophy of Race.” — George Yancy
“Black Lives Matter” is the rallying cry protesting the escalating deaths of innocent black people at the hands of police and other authorities in the United States.

LAST Saturday we came together from many backgrounds and beliefs to hold a march and rally with the essential, overarching and interrelated purpose of building unity…
“Black Lives Matter” is the rallying cry protesting the escalating deaths of innocent black people at the hands of police and other authorities in the United States.
The announcement by the United States and Cuba that they would seek to resume normal relations will in some measure be seen by some observers as an indication of a fulfilment of gradual, but persistent changes in Caribbean geopolitical relationships, some more prominent than others.