With the election of Barack Obama to the presidency, the United States Senate is now without a Black member among its ranks. Despite the success Blacks have had getting elected as mayors, members of state legislatures, and to the House of Representativ…
The tale of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is not unique to the “Land of Lincoln,� but is becoming an increasingly regular commentary on the state of electoral politics and government.
The release of November’s unemployment numbers today clearly illustrates the challenge facing Barack Obama. Come January 20 he is faced with a challenge perhaps unlike any other that has confronted an American president in modern times.
It seems as though not a day passes when a mayor of a major city or county executive announces drastic cuts in government programs and services due to budget shortfalls as a result of the economic downturn.
When President-elect Barack Obama held his first press conference he made clear that his priority was addressing the nation’s economic crisis.
The bad news about high unemployment is not new news for Blacks.

Executive Editor Walter Fields suggests the Republican Party made a turn for the worse at their conv