The idea of “whiteness” as a strict racial category superior to others is an invention of Europeans, who needed to legitimate and normalize a system of white on black chattel slavery, global empire, and colonialism as being preordained by nature and God.
For most Americans, Earth Day is probably something you vaguely remember from elementary school. You may have sat through a lesson on reducing, reusing, and recycling…

The streets of Baltimore were flooded with residents Tuesday protesting the police force in the name of Freddie Gray, the young man who died from a severe spinal injury while in police custody, the Daily Mail reports.

It was a march for the people when Justice League NYC’s March2Justice arrived in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, attracting activists, everyday citizens and even an actor from the hit Fox TV series Empire.

PRESIDENT OBAMA last week had a productive one-day stopover in Jamaica on his way to the Summit of the Americas in Panama, meeting leaders of CARICOM — the Caribbean Community — and discussing initiatives to aid the countries and people of the region.

The United States produced a bumper crop of what Billie Holiday would call “Strange Fruit,” in March: at least 111 bodies, the majority of them unarmed men of color…

Dr. Cornel West has called for people across America to participate in a national movement to put a stop to the killing of black and Latino people.

Eduardo Galeano, one of Latin America’s most beloved writers, died on Monday in a hospital in Montevideo, after a long battle against lung cancer.
According to a new study from Princeton University, American democracy no longer exists. Using data from over 1,800 policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002…
The actual contents of a Rhode Island woman’s cupboard after two shopping trips paid for with food stamps. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)
In a speech delivered at the 1894 dedication of the Manassas Industrial School for Colored Youth, which was founded to provide technical education for African Americans…
“We don’t challenge any heresy in the church!” John Perkins declared at a recent meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.