Every January, Martin Luther King, Jr. is universally honored as a national hero who preached a peaceful fight against racial injustice.
North Dakota State University graduate student Ramya Raghunathan works in one of the school chemistry laboratories on October 26, 2014.
Africa-France-relationshipDid you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today!
As protesters march through our cities to remind us that black lives matter, grievances about our racially fractured society extend far beyond flashpoints over police violence.
As many as 2,000 people are feared dead in Nigeria from what has been described as Boko Haram’s deadliest attack amid ongoing bloodshed a UN official says “should be searing the conscience of the world.”
News came from northeast Nigeria on January 3rd that the Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram had attacked Baga, a fishing town of ten thousand people on the shores of Lake Chad that has been raided by the militants before.
“Je suis Charlie” — I am Charlie — was the cry that that raced around the world in the wake of the murderous attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
White supremacy has a dark legacy within the United States, dating back to this country’s illegal founding.
Now that President Barack Obama is normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba, the U.S. government will try to teach Cuba about market economics and political pluralism.
The Caribbean is a region of small islands surrounded by water. In an increasingly competitive global economic and political climate, these island can no longer remain islands.
The French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo skewers people of all faiths and backgrounds. One cartoon showed rolls of toilet paper marked “Bible,” “Torah” and “Quran,” and the explanation: “In the toilet, all religions.”
As a member of the Inter-American Development Bank’s Civil Society Consultative Committee I was invited to present at the ‘XIV Reunion BID – Sociedad Civil’ in Nicaragua late 2014.