LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The last film Ava DuVernay directed cost $200,000, while her new movie “Selma” was 100 times that.
Robert McChesney, a leader in challenging the corporate media’s role in degrading democracy, carries on this fight withBlowing the Roof Off the Twenty-First Century.
The deaths of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, gunned down by a mentally unstable man who later committed suicide, have been accompanied by public rituals of mourning.
ALGIERS, Algeria – The thawing of U.S.-Cuban relations has inspired hope thousands of miles away for those seeking self-determination for Western Sahara, a small nation called Africa’s last colony.
The Afro-Brazilian Quilombola people were forced from their land in Brazil in order to make way for eucalyptus plantations, which produce toilet paper destined for Western markets.
As one watches Selma—which opens in limited release Christmas Day and nationwide Jan. 9—it’s hard not to reflect on the protests going on around the country…
For much of the right-wing media it was payday. Two New York City cops were murdered by a troubled gunman who had allegedly suggested on social media that he’d kill cops…
Pick up the phone, Mr. President! Make the call!” That was Alan Gross’s demand when I visited him in a Havana prison a year ago…
Berkman says social revolutions do not happen by accident, but the same can be said of empires. They are forged out of the deliberate use of greed, theft, deceit, imperialism, and ruthless terror.
The question that remains, though, is what to do when there is another instance of police brutality that threatens to tear apart yet another community — or even the whole country?
Following the December 11 public meeting of the FCC where net neutrality activists disrupted and held a banner behind the commissioners, Chairman Tom Wheeler made a statement to the press that was supportive of Title II.
Cuba is pledging its continued cooperation with its neighbours in the Caribbean Community, according to Cuba President Raul Castro.