We frequently use this space to highlight, explain, push back against, celebrate, or summarize issues that are discussed a lot in the news. Today, we want to do the opposite: call attention to an issue that is missing from our national dialogue.
The leaders of 15 Caribbean nations voted unanimously on Monday to sue England and European nations like France and the Netherlands over the scourge of slavery.
“Show me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are” — ancient proverb.
Geopolitically speaking, when it comes to war and the imperial principle, we may be in uncharted territory.
United Kingdom-born Steve McQueen’s film, “Twelve Years a Slave,” took home the Academy Award for Best Picture on Sunday evening.
The highlight of the night so far was Lupita Nyong’o winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Not only was her win well deserved and well received — Chiwetel Efiofor had tears in his eyes.
One day in 1999, a manager at Burger King went to deposit the day’s cash at a nearby bank in St. Charles, Missouri, when two men, one holding a BB gun, approached him and told him to drop the money.
LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT NIGGERS, the oppressed minority within our minority. Always down. Always out. Always complaining that they can’t catch a break. Notoriously poor about doing for themselves.
“I do not want the public smoking of marijuana around my kid — I do not.” D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson recently spoke these words as Councilmembers met to consider legislation that would end arrests for the possession and use of small amounts of marijuana.
The Officers and Board of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century joins in mourning the loss of the Honorable Chokwe Lumumba, Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi and one of the great freedom fighters of our time.
He was known as “America’s most revolutionary mayor.” Chokwe Lumumba, who died this week at the age of 66, was elected to lead the city of Jackson, Miss. in 2013 with 86 percent of the vote.