by Michael Kazin
A century after the artful mendacity that was Birth of a Nation and 75 years after the pro-Confederate pathos of Gone With a Wind…
by: Emile Schepers
The dispute about the status of descendants of Haitian immigrants in the Dominican Republic is now the subject of negotiations hosted by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
By Bob Lord
As we commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.’s 85th birthday, we’ve all come to know his dream.
Some of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dreams have certainly come true. But when it comes to closing the economic gap between black and white Americans, we’ve got a long way to go.
By Robert Borosage
Is the “new populism” hailed by the mainstream press for real? The celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday reminds us how far we are from a vibrant people’s movement that can force change in Washington.
The people of Haiti continue to suffer the economic tremors of a post-earthquake reconstruction program that has failed to transform the lives of the majority of the people…
By Bernardo Guanche Hernández
Cubans celebrate the 55th anniversary of their Revolution on January 1, as they advance the social project they chose that same day in 1959 and while involved in a progressive update of their country’s socio-economic model.
By Allison Kilkenny
Hundreds of Moral Monday demonstrators gathered on the steps of the Capitol this week to protest Governor Nathan Deal’s refusal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.
By Elizabeth Warren, Reader Supported News
Millions of families are hanging on by their fingernails to their place in the middle class – and the United States Senate just voted to let them fall.
By Maia Szalavitz
Everyone thinks they know something about drugs—whether from personal experience or from 8th grade prevention classes or simply because the media presents so many stories about them.
By George Packer
I was there in Tampa in August, 2012, for Governor Chris Christie’s keynote address at the Republican National Convention, and from the first line I knew this guy was trouble:
By Thom Hartmann
Republicans are all upset about people getting government benefits, but our nation’s real welfare queens are this country’s billionaires and biggest corporations.