By Chauncey DeVega On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that it had arrested three white men, Curtis Allen, Gavin Wright and Patrick Stein, who as part of a…
By: Nsenga K. Burton Ph.D Scene from The Birth of a Nation Scene from The Birth of a Nation Elliot Davis When Nate Parker’s The Birth of a Nation won…
By Jeff Guo The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in the District. The civil rights leader also had a dream that one day there would be economic opportunity and economic justice…
By Nick Turse FROM HIGH ABOVE, Agadez almost blends into the cocoa-colored wasteland that surrounds it. Only when you descend farther can you make out a city that curves around…
By Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan The national scope of the prisoner strike, with actions in 40 to 50 prisons around the U.S., is truly historic. (Photo: Alex Milan Tracy/Sipa USA…
Above Photo: Edmon de Haro The colonial history, the legacy of enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism, and racial inequality in the US remains a serious challenge as there has…
See the signatories below 26 September 2016 In the face of rising racism, scholars, activists and civil society organisations express their support for the UN Working Group on People of…
By Elizabeth Preza / AlterNet A new report from the Economic Policy Institute reveals a stark disparity between the hourly pay of blacks and whites; on average, whites make 26.7 percent more…
By Jake Johnson ‘Whether she is writing of Kashmir or of the Palestinians, of American foreign policy or of terror in the Middle East, of environmental degradation or of…
By Shawn Fremstad In 1963, the poverty line for a family of four was 50% below median family income—or one-half of the income of the typical four-person family in America….
By Jessica Faieta Caribbean countries make a special case for development. The high and increasing exposure to hazards, combined with very open and trade-dependent economies with limited diversification and competitiveness…
By Frank Joyce / AlterNet Slaves during slavery in the South. Photograph display on Gullah culture at Boone Hall Plantation. Photo Credit: Flickr, denisbin Slavery as practiced in what is now the…