En el espíritu de la Declaración de Durban de 2001 que declaró la trata de esclavos del Atlántico y la esclavitud como crímenes contra la humanidad.
Here you will find IBW21 initiative news, announcements, articles, media and document posts. Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW21)
En el espíritu de la Declaración de Durban de 2001 que declaró la trata de esclavos del Atlántico y la esclavitud como crímenes contra la humanidad.
The National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) Rolls Out a Reparations Plan at the 2015 Congressional Black Caucus Conference. Preamble: No amount of material resources or monetary compensation can ever be sufficient restitution for the spiritual, mental, cultural and physical damages inflicted on Africans by centuries of the MAAFA, the holocaust of enslavement and the institution of chattel slavery…
Queen Mother Audley Moore was an indefatigable teacher, advocate and organizer for Reparations, the fundamental idea that Africans in America are due compensation to repair the physical, cultural, spiritual and mental damages inflicted by the holocaust of enslavement.
New York, Jan. 3, 2015…The New York-based Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) today announced that the organization will host the CARICOM Reparations Commission’s next meeting April 9-12 in New York. The…
A major conference bringing together leaders in the fields of health care, law and social services kicked off a national campaign against human trafficking which has been described as a…
By PATRICK DELICES For decades, and up to this point, Haiti has had the inauspicious distinction of being labeled the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere despite its rich resources,…
We look at the growing movement for drug decriminalization that is moving ahead in the United States and being amplified by former heads of state from around the around.
Supporters say the measure would help combat the state’s epidemic of painkiller abuse, but polls have fluctuated wildly, and opponents are seizing on a controversial video to question their true intentions.
A coalition of political figures from around the world, including Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary general…
The news: Breathe easy, potheads of Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love is about to become the largest in the country to decriminalize marijuana.
The Institute of the Black World 21st Century held a forum on the impact of the policies of the “War on Drugs” on the African-American community. Speakers included Jesse…