Vantage Point Radio Show hosted by Dr. Ron Daniels

On November 2, 1983, Darrell Cannon found himself in the Chicago Police Department’s Area 2 headquarters with a shotgun barrel stuck in his mouth as a white officer yelled, “Blow that nigger’s head off!”

Two Sundays ago, just after eight-thirty in the morning, four Baltimore police officers were patrolling the streets around the Gilmor Homes housing project when, as the department’s deputy chief, Jerry Rodriguez, said at a press conference yesterday, they “made eye contact” with a twenty-five-year-old man named Freddie Gray. Gray ran, and after a brief chase on foot the officers caught him.

In the spirit of the Durban Declaration of 2001 which declared the Atlantic Slave Trade and chattel slavery as crimes against humanity, scores of representatives from the CARICOM Reparations Commission (CRC), the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) and representatives of emerging Commissions in Martinique, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, United Kingdom and Europe gathered in New York, April 9-11, 2015 for a historic National/International Summit….

En el espíritu de la Declaración de Durban de 2001 que declaró la trata de esclavos del Atlántico y la esclavitud como crímenes contra la humanidad.

Harry Belafonte will join the Justice League NYC for its “March 2 Justice” event later this month. On April 13, members and supporters of the organization will engage in a 250-mile walk to deliver the Justice Package to Congress.
Vantage Point Radio Show hosted by Dr. Ron Daniels

Two powerful black women, representing two generations of social activism, delivered dynamic speeches on racial justice, human rights and black radicalism Wednesday evening at Tufts University in Medford, Mass.
Participants at a major reparations summit in New York have agreed to consolidate the growing African global reparations movement and to call on all civil society organizations and governments in…

The National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) Rolls Out a Reparations Plan at the 2015 Congressional Black Caucus Conference. Preamble: No amount of material resources or monetary compensation can ever be sufficient restitution for the spiritual, mental, cultural and physical damages inflicted on Africans by centuries of the MAAFA, the holocaust of enslavement and the institution of chattel slavery…

NEW YORK, USA (CMC) — An international conference on reparations has ended here with a call for Caribbean governments to proceed urgently with the recommendation that the slave-owning and slave-trading European nations be invited to attend an inter-governmental reparatory justice summit in 2015.