Topics: The Vision of the Working Families Party in the Age of Trump • Eye Witness Reflections on the Homegoing Celebration for Aretha Franklin • An Innovative Program to Keep Black Seniors Healthy. Guests: Maurice Mitchel, Rev. JoAnn Watson and Rita Tolbert.
Topics: The Case of the Cherokee Black Freedman • Perspectives of Aretha’s Legacy and Spike Lee’s Black Klansman • The State of Black Labor in the Age of Trump. Guests: Marilyn K. Vann (President, Descendants of Freedmen, Five Civilized Tribes Association, Oklahoma City, OK), Herb Boyd (Author, Commentator, Columnist, Harlem, NY) and Bill Fletcher (Labor and Social Justice Activist, Commentator, Washington, D.C.)
Topics: The State of Hip Hop • Jeer or Cheer Omarosa? • Black Support for Trump. Guests: Paradise Gray (Co-Founder of X-Clan, Pittsburgh, PA), Earl Ofari Hutchinson (Author, Producer, The Hutchinson Report, Los Angeles, CA) and Hazel Trice-Edney (Editor/Publisher, The Trice-Edney Wire Service, Washington, D.C.)
Topics: Garvey’s Vision of Economic Development • The Green Party’s Candidate for Governor of NY • Victory in Ferguson. Guests: Rev. Dennis Dillon (Senior Pastor, the Rise Church, Brooklyn, NY), Howie Hawkins (Green Party Candidate for Governor, Syracuse, NY) and Melanie Randels (Community Organizer, Ferguson, MO (Invited))
Featuring: Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Guests: Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, President, Rainbow/Push Coalition, Chicago, IL (Invited), Dr. Iva Carruthers, General Secretary, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Chicago, IL and Bill Lucy, President Emeritus, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Washington, D.C.
Focus of Premium: The Power of Frederick Douglass. Special Guests: State Senator James Sanders (Queens, NY), Dr. Greg Carr (Chair., Department of Afro-American Studies, Howard University, Washington, D.C.) and Assemblyman Charles Barron (East New York, NY).
Topics: The Legacy of Elombe Brath • Fighting for Justice in the Case of Anton Rose, Jr. • Impact of the the “Trump” Supreme Court. Guests: Herb Boyd (Editor, Elombe Brath, Selected Writings and Essays, New York, NY), Bernard White (The Forward, Elombe Brath, Selected Writings and Essays, New York, NY), Jasiri X (Founder/Creative Director, One Hood Media Center, Pittsburgh, PA), Dr. Julianne Malveaux (Author, Political Economist, Educator, Washington, D.C.)
Focus: “Elections Matter” Revisited, Part 2. • Update on Political Empowerment in Ferguson. • Addressing Gun Violence in New York. Guests: Mark Thompson (Host, Make It Plain, SIRIUSXM Progress 127, New York, NY), Melanie Randels (Political Activist, Ferguson, MO), Pastor Gil Monrose (67th Clergy Council, “The GOD SQUAD,” Flatbush, NY)
TopIcs: Remembering Patrice Lumumba, “Elections Matter” Revisited. Guests: Maurice Carney (Friends of the Congo, Washington, D.C.), Earl Ofari Hutchinson (Commentator, Publisher, The Hutchinson Report, Los Angeles, CA) and Bill Fletcher (Author, Commentator, Labor/Social Justice Activist, Washington, D.C.).
Topics: Background, Vision, Mission of York College/CUNY, New York • Democracy and Development in Africa: Prospects for Liberia, Sierra Leone and Kenya • The Legacy of Ancient African Civilizations: The ASA Restoration Project in Egypt. Special Guests: Dr. Marcia Keizs (President, York College/CUNY, NY), Emira Woods (Former Co-Director, Foreign Policy in Focus, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C.) and Anthony Browder (Renowned Author, Egyptologist and Archeologist, Washington, D.C.)
Topic/Focus – Economic Development: The Power of Networking. Guests – Dr. George Fraser (President/CEO, FraserNet, Convener, Power Networking Conference, Cleveland, OH), Anthony Browder (World Renowned Historian, Egyptologist, Archeologist, Washington, D.C) and Dr. Stacie NC Grant (Founder, Destiny Designers University, Speaker & Celebrity Guest MC, New York, NY)
![Vantage Point Radio Show hosted by Dr. Ron Daniels](
Topic – Violence, Murders, Fratricide in Black Communities: Do Black Lives Matter to Black People? Guests – Earle Ofari Hutchinson, Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable and Andre Mitchell, Founder/Executive Director, Man Up, Inc., East New York, NY