Haiti Earthquake 2021: The Haiti Support Project (HSP) is sharing a list of trusted emergency responders located in most affected areas for donations.
Camp Perrin, Haiti
Website: cofhed.org
Locally Haiti
Petit Trou de Nippes, Haiti
Website: locallyhaiti.org
Hope for Haiti
Les Cayes, Haiti
Website: hopeforhaiti.com
PRODEV network of schools
In south and Grand Anse
Website: prodevhaiti.org
Throughout the affected zones
Website: fonkoze.org
Health Equity International/
Saint Boniface Hospital treating wounded
Fond des Blancs, Haiti
Website: healthequityintl.org/earthquake-relief-2021
Grand Anse, Haiti
Website: espwa-haiti.org
Friends of Paradis des Indiens
Abricots, Grand Anse
Website: friendsofpdi.org