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Pilgrimage and Assessment Delegation Communique

By February 18, 2011January 13th, 2025No Comments

Pilgrimage and Assessment Delegation
October 7-11, 2010
Prepared by Dr. Ron Daniels

October 7-11, the Haiti Support Project (HSP) led its third Delegation to Haiti since the fateful earthquake of January 12th.  The atmosphere was in marked contrast to HSP´s Third Annual Pilgrimage in October of 2009 when there were signs of a much brighter future for Haiti and its people.  A year ago there were clear indicators that after a period of political stability, relative security and greater transparency and accountability by the government, conditions were ripe for modest economic growth and new levels of international investment. There was optimism in the air.  Everything changed after January 12th.  Now, with the assistance of the international community, Haiti´s fragile governmental and private institutions face the awesome challenge of lifting the people and nation out of the abyss of one of the most devastating catastrophies ever to strike a Caribbean nation.  

We set the following modest goals for the Delegation:

Haiti Support Project (HSP)

Founded in 1995 by Dr. Ron Daniels, the Haiti Support Project (HSP) is an initiative of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century that is committed to “Building a Constituency for Haiti in the United States,” focusing on mobilizing/organizing African Americans and other people of African descent to strengthen the process of democracy and development in the world’s first Black Republic. IBW21.ORG/HSP