October 12, 2023 Media Advisory (Updated Oct 13): Institute of the Black World Leads Delegation to Grenada229 DownloadsOctober 12, 2023 Media Advisory (Updated Oct 13): Institute of the Black World…
Press Release: Scores Gathered at Historic Reparations Symposium in Evanston, IL (PDF)286 DownloadsNew York, January 6, 2022 — Scores of reparations advocates, activists, elected officials and scholars from some 25…
Press Release: Scores Gathered at Historic Reparations Symposium in Evanston, IL (DOC)316 DownloadsNew York, January 6, 2022 — Scores of reparations advocates, activists, elected officials and scholars from some 25…
National Groups Continue to Aid Descendants of Elaine Massacre745 DownloadsMarch 25, 2016 — Dr. Ron Daniels, Convener of the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) announced today that two national…
Great Notion’s Reparations Beer. Educating Its Clientele to Support Reparations and HR-40.594 DownloadsStatement by the Institute of the Black World 21st Century The Institute of the Black World 21st Century…
National Groups Launch Reparatory Justice Initiative in Elaine, Arkansas713 Downloads“Elaine Arkansas: Casting Truth and Light Upon A Nation” National Groups Launch Reparatory Justice Initiative in Elaine, Arkansas Sacred Commemoration Service…
California Governor Signs Reparations Bill Into Law738 DownloadsCalifornia Governor Signs Reparations Bill Into Law The National African American Reparations Commission Hails the Landmark Legislation The National African American Reparations Commission…
National Reparations Commission Endorses Evanston as a National Model – Final Assessment and Recommendations Released368 DownloadsNew York, NY, August 20, 2020 —New York, NY — Dr. Ron Daniels, Convener of…
National African American Reparations Commission Final Assessment of the Evanston, Illinois’ Reparations Initiative911 DownloadsAUGUST 20, 2020 — This Assessment should be considered as an extension of the Initial Assessment of…
National African American Reparations Commission Initial Assessment of the Evanston, Illinois’ Reparations Initiative And Recommendations837 DownloadsJANUARY 10, 2020 — At the invitation of Alderman Robin Rue Simmons and the Reparations…
Press Release: A Fundraising Tribute to Don Rojas with Prof. Sir Hilary Beckles (DOC)805 DownloadsBrooklyn, April 16, 2019 — For most of his adult life, Don Rojas has been a…
Press Release: A Fundraising Tribute to Don Rojas with Prof. Sir Hilary Beckles (PDF)777 DownloadsBrooklyn, April 16, 2019 — For most of his adult life, Don Rojas has been a…