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National African American Reparations Commission Initial Assessment of the Evanston, Illinois’ Reparations Initiative And Recommendations

National African American Reparations Commission Initial Assessment of the Evanston, Illinois’ Reparations Initiative And Recommendations

JANUARY 10, 2020 — At the invitation of Alderman Robin Rue Simmons and the Reparations Sub-Committee of the Evanston,
Illinois City Council, December 10-11, 2019 a Team from the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) conducted a consultation to provide advice on ways to implement the Reparations Resolution recently adopted by City Council consistent with the criteria for reparatory justice initiatives and international guidelines for reparations. NAARC was also interested in evaluating whether the Evanston Reparations Initiative could be embraced as a model that could be replicated in municipalities across the nation. The NAARC Team was comprised of Kamm Howard, National Co-Chairperson, National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (NCOBRA); Dr. Iva Carruthers…