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National Reparations Commission Endorses Evanston as a National Model – Final Assessment and Recommendations Released

National Reparations Commission Endorses Evanston as a National Model – Final Assessment and Recommendations Released

New York, NY, August 20, 2020 —New York, NY — Dr. Ron Daniels, Convener of the National African American Reparations Commission
(NAARC) [], announced today that the Evanston, IL Reparations Initiative has been certified by the Commission as meeting the standard definitions, principles and criteria for a Reparatory Justice Initiative. Citing the Commission’s Final Assessment and Recommendations which are being released to key stakeholders in Evanston today, Dr. Daniels said: “While the NAARC Team recognizes that the process of finalizing the implementation of the Initiative is still a work in progress, the essence of the systems and processes which are being established…