The Baltimore Declaration – Action agenda outlining the way forward and synopsis of selected speeches and presentations
Action Agenda: The Way Forward
- Addressing/Resolving the Crisis in Haiti: The First Black Republic
- Building Support for Reparatory Justice for Afro-Descendants in Colombia and Beyond
- Honoring the Life and Legacy of Maurice Bishop: A Delegation to Grenada
- Supporting the Polisario Front and the Independence for Western Sahara
- Connecting Black Brain Power for Black Development: Hon. P.J. Patterson’s Challenge
- Supporting Hon. Mia Mottley Global Reparatory Justice Initiatives
- Providing Administrative Support for Global Circle for Reparations and Healing
- Expanding the Pan African Unity Dialogue: Practicing Pan Africanism Wherever We Are
- Building Relationships with Black Mayors Associations in the Pan African World
- Convening a Global Summit on Water as a Human Right
- Combating Gentrification as a State of Emergency in Black America
- Advancing Paradigms for Reimagining Public Safety and Law Enforcement
- Supporting The Live Free Initiative as a Model for Movement-Building
- Supporting Black Lives Matter Grassroots to Regain Funds for the People’s Struggle
Special Initiatives
- Supporting the Black World Media Network as a Legacy Project for Don Rojas
- Establishing a Dr. Leonard Jeffries and Dr. Rosalind Jeffries Appreciation Fund
Assessment and Call to Action
Synopsis of Selected Speeches and Presentations