Following his smash performance in the Michigan Primary, unfortunately Trump was right when he said “We Win Michigan, We Win the Whole Thing.” The Hutchinson Report — “In the Michigan…
Following his smash performance in the Michigan Primary, unfortunately Trump was right when he said “We Win Michigan, We Win the Whole Thing.” The Hutchinson Report — “In the Michigan…
By Svante Myrick, The Hill — As the Republican primaries slog toward the climax of a likely Trump nomination, I can’t help thinking that we as a country are still dramatically…
Spoiler alert! Donald Trump will be allowed to remain on the ballot this fall. By Ben Jealous — One way or another, the Supreme Court is going to decide that…
Vantage Point Vignettes Comments and Commentary by Dr. Ron Daniels Back in the day, there was a popular men’s hair preparation called Brill Cream that was so strong, so powerful,…
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) is poised to play a key role in former President Trump’s campaign as Trump and the GOP look to boost support among Black voters. By Cheyanne M. Daniels,…
By Cheyanne M. Daniels, The Hill — The Rev. Al Sharpton rebuked Sen. Tim Scott on Wednesday over the South Carolina Republican’s support for former President Trump, saying his rhetoric is “humiliating.”…
The conflict that ripped the country apart 160 years ago has resurfaced as a campaign issue. By Toluse Olorunnipa, The Washington Post — What started with a single question from…
Cornel West has been condemned by Establishment Democrats as a narcissistic curmudgeon and dismissed by academics as an intellectual has-been. What else is there to do but run for president?…
Democrats worry that lower turnout among Black voters will cost them the White House in 2024. By Joel Mathis, The Week — Black and Latino voters have long been stalwart…