By: Linn Washington Jr. On May 13, 1985, a fire started after Philadelphia police dropped an explosive on a building where members of the MOVE organization where hiding. On May…
by CHUCK EPSTEIN Media coverage of the events unfolding in Baltimore connected with the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black , carry a familiar theme: protestors gather to demonstrate…
By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of many of the most significant events of the Black Freedom Struggle of the 1960s. Two years ago, we celebrated the…

The Baltimore uprising seemingly scored a major victory on Friday, when Baltimore’s chief prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, announced the six police officers involved in Freddie Gray’s death have been charged with murder, manslaughter and other counts.

By Jelani Cobb The mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, was among thousands who attended the funeral of Freddie Gray, who died of injuries received while in police custody. Credit Photograph by Chip…

By Jelani Cobb The mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, was among thousands who attended the funeral of Freddie Gray, who died of injuries received while in police custody. Credit Photograph by Chip…
The image has been circulated worldwide, in newspapers, on television and over social media; the Black Baltimore mother who beats her son down for being out with protesters…
By Chauncey DeVega / AlterNet Baltimore’s young people responded to the police theft of Freddie Gray’s life with protests that eventually grew into a spasm of violence. While the direct…
By Terrell Jermaine Starr / AlterNet As the unrest has grown in Baltimore, the word “thug” has been freely slung around by political leaders and the media. President Barack Obama…
By: Danielle C. Belton The Rev. Jamal Harrison Bryant is emotionally spent. The past 11 days had taken their toll when The Root spoke with Bryant, 43, over the phone Wednesday. We asked…
By Stacia L. Brown Baltimore has been resplendently, comfortingly black for as long as I can remember. My mother brought me here from predominantly white Lansing, Michigan in 1984, the…
By Rebecca Traister @rtraister “When nonviolence begins halfway through the war with the aggressor calling time out, it exposes itself as a ruse. When nonviolence is preached by the representatives…