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War on Drugs

“The War on Drugs” is an American term usually applied to the United States government’s campaign of prohibition of drugs, military aid, and military intervention, with the stated aim being to reduce the illegal drug trade.

Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Ron Daniels

End the “War on Drugs” and Mass Incarceration: Invest in America’s “Dark Ghettos”

By Commentaries/Opinions, Vantage Point Articles, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

April 4, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King stepped to the podium of the Riverside Church in New York to vigorously proclaim his opposition to the War in Vietnam.  It was one of the most powerful orations among numerous remarkable speeches delivered during his brief but extraordinary life.

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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Ron Daniels

State of the Black World Conferences: This Generation’s Black Power Experience

By Commentaries/Opinions, Vantage Point Articles, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

In the Second Call for State of the Black World Conference III, we issued a challenge to make the event a “Great Gathering of Black People,” a seminal assembly to assess the state of the race and chart directions for the future. Though State of the Black World Conferences are open to any person of African descent, the vision/mission of  the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW), as the convening organization, is progressive, African-centered and action-oriented in nature.

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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Maulana Karenga

Retrieving Insights from Fanon: Systemic and Social Violence

By Commentaries/Opinions, Dr. Maulana Karenga, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

In his classic work, The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon laid out an extensive explanation of how an oppressed people, which does not fight fiercely and self-consciously against its own oppression, will witness the emergence of those who turn the pent-up anger, disdain and righteous rage they have for their oppressor…

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Commentary, Articles and Essays by Dr. Maulana Karenga

Regarding Rodney King: Requiem For A Reluctant Witness

By Commentaries/Opinions, Dr. Maulana Karenga, War on the “War on Drugs” Posts

When Rodney King was snatched up into the whip and whirl of the winds of racial history in this country thru his savage beating in 1991 and the resultant revolt in 1992, it was an invitation of history he had no idea would come, no interest at first in accepting and ultimately, no way to engage it except as the man he was and tried to be.

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