Being a journalist who covers issues important to the African American and other marginalized communities, I have taken on powerful forces over the years. I have provided a voice for…
Dr. Julianne Malveaux is a member of the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC), an economist, author and Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies at California State University at Los Angeles. Juliannemalveaux.com
Being a journalist who covers issues important to the African American and other marginalized communities, I have taken on powerful forces over the years. I have provided a voice for…
Our 45th President has had no trouble claiming the good employment news reported for January and February of this year. In those jobs reports, released on the first Friday of…
By the time you read this, Alexander Acosta, the 45th President’s nominee for Secretary of Labor, is likely to have been confirmed by the full Senate. He got narrow approval from the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions by a 12-11 party line vote. I don’t blame the Democrats for opposing the Acosta nomination. In his televised hearing, he was as slippery as Supreme Court nominee, Neil…
The “budget lite” that our 45th President submitted is described as a “budget blueprint to make America Great Again”. Submitted in the third week of March, it trumpets draconian cuts in many federal programs, eliminating some that provide important services, including the African Development Foundation…
If you happened to have voted for the 45th President, you may be feeling a little spat on, right about now. The man who said he wanted to take care of the little people, those who were forgotten by the elites…
The effort to repeal and replace health care is generating headlines, and the attempt to investigate our 45th President’s Russia connections is of high importance. The specious claim that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, too, has generated interest…
The effort to repeal and replace health care is generating headlines, and the attempt to investigate our 45th President’s Russia connections is of high importance. The specious claim that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower…
Eighty HBCU Presidents did a “fly in” to the White House in a meeting organized by Trump whisperer Omarosa, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), and others. There was a White House meeting, a meeting at the Library of Congress, and more buzz than that which comes from a bee hive.
The unfortunate election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency of the United States speaks volumes about the limits of African American involvement in the political system. Don’t get me wrong. I was born and will live and die a political junkie…
When he addressed the Southern Christian Leadership Council in 1967, in his speech, “Where Do We Go From Here?” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. noted “ Of the good things in life, the Negro has approximately one half those of whites. of the bad things of life, he has twice those of whites. Thus half of all Negroes live in substandard housing. And Negroes have half the income of whites…
I usually don’t pay much attention to the Academy Awards unless African American actors are nominated and win or unless African American themed films have an opportunity. This year, I am paying much attention, what with Fences, Hidden Figures, and Moonlight among the nominees…
I love Black History, and so revel in Black History Month. Not that Black History should be constrained to a month. Indeed, when I wrote my book Surviving and Thriving:…