The tiny island, alongside other Caribbean nations, is expected to request that 10 European countries begin negotiations for reparations. Text by Janell Ross / Bridgetown, Barbados | Photographs by Christopher…
IBW21 (The Institute of the Black World 21st Century) is committed to enhancing the capacity of Black communities in the U.S. and globally to achieve cultural, social, economic and political equality and an enhanced quality of life for all marginalized people.
The tiny island, alongside other Caribbean nations, is expected to request that 10 European countries begin negotiations for reparations. Text by Janell Ross / Bridgetown, Barbados | Photographs by Christopher…
Written By Alex from Libertas Bella — Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave. Slavery, regardless of whom is enslaved, is evil in one of its purest forms….
A new study reveals the effects of racial “weathering,” which could be tied to high rates of Alzheimer’s disease. By Alexa Spencer, Word In Black — Alzhiemer’s disease has become…
June 17, 2023 Edition of Vantage Point The Professor Dr. Ron Daniels is joined by special guest Paradise Gray of the legendary X-Clan. Audience also calls in for the G.O.A.T…
By Dave Goldiner, New York Daily News — The Rev. Jesse Jackson announced Friday he is stepping down from the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition after a half century at the helm of…
Please take a moment to listen to the video message above from Dr. Ron Daniels about IBW’s Black World Media Network. Also, be sure to take a quick listen to what’s playing right now on BWMN’s live radio station.
The National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) expresses its sincere condolences to the family and friends of Rev. Dr. JoAnn Watson who died suddenly on July 10 in Detroit, MI. She was…
June 10, 2023 Edition of Vantage Point The Professor Dr. Ron Daniels is joined by special guests Earl Ofari Hutchinson (Author, Political Commentator, Host of the Hutchinson Report, KPFK, 90.7…
By Earl Bousquet — CARICOM’s 50th Anniversary coincides with a decade of development of decisions that have led to its most-important international diplomatic and political achievement to date: Its decision…
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 5 July 2023 It is a great honour to be with you today, as the Caribbean Community marks its 50th anniversary. I thank Prime…
That may not necessarily be a good thing for all Black colleges. By Bruce C.T. Wright, News One — The U.S. Supreme Court making it illegal for colleges to consider…
King of the Netherlands apologizes for country’s role in slavery on 150th anniversary of abolition. By Ahmad Seir and Mike Corder, Associated Press — King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands apologized…