In 2014, we saw a lot of brutality. Unarmed black men and women were killed by police, women were raped on college campuses and in military barracks…
‘I think it goes beyond reparations for black people, to getting people to look seriously at their history. It’s not like America is just distorting black history. It has a problem with history, period.’

The Afro-Brazilian Quilombola people were forced from their land in Brazil in order to make way for eucalyptus plantations, which produce toilet paper destined for Western markets.

The diplomatic rapprochement between Cuba and the United States has profound implications for both countries and for the inter-American relations system as a whole.

As one watches Selma—which opens in limited release Christmas Day and nationwide Jan. 9—it’s hard not to reflect on the protests going on around the country…

For much of the right-wing media it was payday. Two New York City cops were murdered by a troubled gunman who had allegedly suggested on social media that he’d kill cops…

Pick up the phone, Mr. President! Make the call!” That was Alan Gross’s demand when I visited him in a Havana prison a year ago…

There were two big takeaways from President Obama’s Cuban opening. The first is obvious. After 55 years of U.S.-backed invasions, covert efforts to sabotage and overthrow Fidel Castro…
Part 2 of a Town Hall Meeting: “OUR BROTHERS & SISTERS KEEPERS: Strategies To Address Violence & Fratricide In Our Communities”, presented by Philadelphia Regional Justice Collaborative & The Institute…
Part 1 of a Town Hall Meeting: “OUR BROTHERS & SISTERS KEEPERS: Strategies To Address Violence & Fratricide In Our Communities”, presented by Philadelphia Regional Justice Collaborative & The Institute…

If there really was a war on drugs, it wouldn’t make for very good media fodder: bullet-riddled packets of cocaine (or cigarettes, for that matter) don’t bleed, and following the newspaper industry rhyme…
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Recent protests against the police killings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown have created a conundrum for the nation’s black fraternities and sororities: to remain relevant in the black community they need to be involved, but protect their reputations if demonstrations go awry.