About a 15-minute drive from the Ferguson protest that, by now, feels more like a block party, in the more upscale St. Louis suburb of Olivette…
The apparent murder by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, of Mike Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black youth who was shot a number of times while he was allegedly on his knees with his hands up in the air, pleading “Don’t shoot, I’m not armed,” is exposing everything that is wrong with policing in the US today.

The streets of Ferguson resemble a war-torn district of Iraq. One U.S. military veteran says these tactics are wrong and will only make matters worse.
As outraged residents of Ferguson, Missouri continue to protest a police shooting that left unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown dead, Ron Davis…

In his groundbreaking work, God of the Oppressed, theologian James Cone describes moving to Detroit in the midst of a series of insurrections.

SpiritHouse Project, a national social justice organization, announces a national initiative to provide African American young people between the ages of 18 to 35…

On top of its vast medicinal benefits and a “high” that’s safer and mellower than alcohol, what if cannabis could also power a cheap…
During the Pan African response to the U.S.-Africa Summit, Dr. Leonard Jeffries stressed that the Washington Summit was driven by a clear interest of the United States of America to dominate Africa as part of the new scramble for the re-colonization of Africa.

On Saturday a police officer shot a teenager named Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. On Sunday the world knew the teen’s name, and by Monday Ferguson was on fire.
In November Florida will put its first medical marijuana initiative to a vote. If passed, the initiative will provide medical patients limited, state-legal access to marijuana medicine, rather than turning them into criminals. While 23 states have successfully passed similar medical marijuana initiatives with strictly positive results, Florida’s medical marijuana opponents continue to wave red flags that have long been debunked by logic, science and reality. What’s really motivating these stubborn prohibitionists? Here’s a hint: it’s green like pot, but doesn’t smell as good.

FERGUSON, Mo — The people here don’t feel like they’re living in America’s heartland; they feel like they’re living in occupied territory.

Community members gather outside the Ferguson Police Department to protest the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager killed by a police officer, in Ferguson, Missouri, August 11, 2014.