By Michael Eric Dyson Twenty years ago, less than two years after I’d received my doctorate in religion from Princeton, I appeared with Cornel West, Derrick Bell, and bell hooks…
By Nathan Schneider (Doug Chayka) A few weeks before the release this summer of Laudato si’, Pope Francis’s manifesto on ecology and poverty, I…
By David Olusoga / The Guardian There is a view that discussions about modern Africa should be forward-looking. They should be about trade, entrepreneurship, expanding markets, Chinese investment and the…
By THE EDITORIAL BOARD of the New York Times Credit Alex Nabaum The Republican Party and its acolytes in the news media are trying to demonize the protest movement that…

BY JESSE JACKSON September 8, 2015 A tree cannot withstand the storms if its roots are weak. A building will not stand without a strong foundation. An economy will not…
By: Todd Steven Burroughs A woman wears a shirt with ‘Black Lives Matter’ during a memorial service for slain 18 year-old Michael Brown Jr. on August 9, 2015 at the…
Here are a few ways to pay the bill. By Jamelle Bouie A high school in Clinton, Tennessee, in December 1956. Reparations wouldn’t just be about America’s slaveholding era. With…
By Julia Craven & Nick Wing A protester advocates against police brutality in St. Louis. Sheriff Ron Hickman of Harris County, Texas, isn’t quite sure why suspect Shannon J. Miles…

By Sen. Hank Sanders (D-Selma) A giant named Amelia Platts Boynton Robinson passed Tuesday night, August 25, 2015. She was 110 years old. I saw her driver’s license when I…
For too long, we have looked in the wrong place and race for the genesis of our national story. By David Levering Lewis Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois, educator, writer and…
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, The Washington Post Ernest Hemingway once said that courage was “grace under pressure.” Two presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, have recently tested this proposition….

BY JESSE JACKSON September 1, 2015 This has been insurgent summer in presidential politics. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have soared. They are raising issues that politicians in both parties…