Rev. Dr. Willie Wilson, Pastor, Union Temple Baptist Church in Washington DC, speaks to the DC Justice Collaborative on “The Prison Labor System: 21st Century Slavery.”

On November 2, 1983, Darrell Cannon found himself in the Chicago Police Department’s Area 2 headquarters with a shotgun barrel stuck in his mouth as a white officer yelled, “Blow that nigger’s head off!”
By Thugocracy I mean a system of domination constructed upon the control of political and economic institutions, achieved by the manipulation of intergroup relations through theories of dominant group superiority…
For most Americans, Earth Day is probably something you vaguely remember from elementary school. You may have sat through a lesson on reducing, reusing, and recycling…
I began reading Michael Eric Dyson’s lengthy essay for the New Republic, “The Ghost of Dr. Cornel West,” with some trepidation. By the time I finished it, I was sickened. Framed as an impartial assessment of West’s so-called steep decline as a scholar, public intellectual, thought leader and writer, Dyson backdoors into a scathing critique of his former friend that felt as bruising as a series of sucker punches delivered with increasingly gleeful frequency and viciousness.

Two Sundays ago, just after eight-thirty in the morning, four Baltimore police officers were patrolling the streets around the Gilmor Homes housing project when, as the department’s deputy chief, Jerry Rodriguez, said at a press conference yesterday, they “made eye contact” with a twenty-five-year-old man named Freddie Gray. Gray ran, and after a brief chase on foot the officers caught him.

The streets of Baltimore were flooded with residents Tuesday protesting the police force in the name of Freddie Gray, the young man who died from a severe spinal injury while in police custody, the Daily Mail reports.

It was a march for the people when Justice League NYC’s March2Justice arrived in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, attracting activists, everyday citizens and even an actor from the hit Fox TV series Empire.

In the spirit of the Durban Declaration of 2001 which declared the Atlantic Slave Trade and chattel slavery as crimes against humanity, scores of representatives from the CARICOM Reparations Commission (CRC), the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) and representatives of emerging Commissions in Martinique, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada, United Kingdom and Europe gathered in New York, April 9-11, 2015 for a historic National/International Summit….

En el espíritu de la Declaración de Durban de 2001 que declaró la trata de esclavos del Atlántico y la esclavitud como crímenes contra la humanidad.

Harry Belafonte will join the Justice League NYC for its “March 2 Justice” event later this month. On April 13, members and supporters of the organization will engage in a 250-mile walk to deliver the Justice Package to Congress.
In Michael Eric Dyson’s takedown for the New Republic of his friend and mentor Cornel West, he has a come-to-Jesus moment that is neither pretty nor kind, but painfully blunt.