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The Ferguson Fix

By Commentaries/Opinions

“Somehow, white youth engaged in bad behavior, including property destruction, manage to walk away alive or face arrest without the threat of physical abuse. Death by law enforcement is a penalty specifically reserved for Black youth and mostly levied against Black males.”

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I’m a Black Journalist. I’m Quitting Because I’m Tired of Newsroom Racism.

By Commentaries/Opinions

My first job in media was as a television producer. I was 28 years old, eager and brimming with ideas, some of which I’m sure were good and others of which I’m sure were not. Not long after starting the job, I asked to produce a segment with a well-known black actor whose work I had long followed. As the only black producer there, I knew from experience that when walking into an entirely white environment, it always felt good to be greeted by another brown face.

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