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Was Your Police Department Trained by Blackwater and Other Mercenaries?

By News & Current Affairs

By the time President Obama announced the withdrawal of Ameri­can troops from Iraq, PMSCs [private military and security companies] were in line to collect billions of dol­lars in contracts for at least another five years. They included SOC, Inc. (the firm with the extensive training site in Nevada, whose con­tract to safeguard the Baghdad embassy would bring in nearly $1 bil­lion)…

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62 Percent of White St. Louis Residents Believe that Darren Wilson was Right to Kill Michael Brown

By News & Current Affairs

As reported by the St. Louis Post Dispatch, new public opinion research by the Remington Research Group has revealed that 62 percent of white St. Louis residents believe that the killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager who was shot multiple times while surrendering with his hands in the air, by a white police officer named Darren Wilson, was justified.

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Celebrating the Haitian Revolution: Reflections on Cruising Into History

By Vantage Point Articles

January 1, 2014 marked the 210th Anniversary of the Haitian Revolution, one of the greatest events in human history. Never before had an enslaved people rebelled against their slave masters to declare their independence and establish a nation. Inspired by the exhortations and sacrifice of the spiritual priest Boukman and ably led by Toussaint Louverture, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Henri Christophe and Alexandre Petion, this is precisely what the enslaved Africans of Haiti achieved. They crushed the military forces of Napoleon Bonaparte at the pinnacle of his power and established the world’s first Black Republic!

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