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The ‘Case for Reparations’ is solid, and it’s long past time to make them

By Commentaries/Opinions

Even before its online debut on Thursday, social media was ablaze for days in anticipation of this month’s Atlantic cover story arguing in favor of reparative payments to African-Americans for state-sanctioned slavery and segregation. To add to the hype, the magazine publicized “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates with a rare trailer promoting the story (which hits newsstands on 27 May).

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Information Imperialism: Why Is the U.S. Spying in the Bahamas?

By Commentaries/Opinions

After all we’ve learned from the Edward Snowden leaks, it is impossible to be surprised by The Intercept’s report that the NSA is “secretly intercepting, recording, and archiving the audio of virtually every cell phone conversation on the island nation of the Bahamas.” But Americans ought to be upset by this revelation. It won’t do to shake our head, shrug our shoulders, and just accept what no longer has the power to shock us. This is a perfect illustration of the need for reforms that rein in the global surveillance apparatus we’ve created so that it is better aligned with American values and interests.

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